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Conservation Meeting Minutes 10/17/02
Conservation Commission
October 17, 2002

Peg Arguimbau Chairman, Katherine Roth, Stephan Glicken and Peter Holden were the members present.

7:00 p.m.  RDA Public Hearing
                 sunroom    (Brook in yard):

Gail and Barry Clayman appeared before the Commission and submitted the green abutter cards. Barry stated that it is necessary to replace their current 16' wide x 20' deep deck due to its failing condition caused by years of exposure to the elements. Barry explained that their Contractor, Better Living, proposes to remove the entire deck and construct a new 16' x 16' deck of the same footprint location, with an aluminum & safety glass enclosed 12' x 16' three season sunroom on top of the new deck. By reducing the size of the new deck from 20' to 16,' the new construction would be 4' further away from the brook that runs through the lot. (The brook is located approximately 80' from proposed project).
Peg concluded that the new construction is within the 100' Buffer Zone, however, there will be no impact.
Peg called for a motion for a Negative Determination pending appearance of the advertisement of the hearing in the newspaper. If no substantial issues arise, the hearing will be considered closed on October 31st and the Determination will be issued in early November.  
Stephan moved. Peter seconded. Voted. Unanimous. 4-0-0.

7:10 p.m. Signatures:

The Commission signed bills, and Certificate of Compliance DEP # SE 280-384, Intoccia Construction, Lots 13 & 13-A, 7 Burnt Bridge Hollow.

7:15 p.m. Other Issues:

Greg presented a letter to the Commission from Consultant Charles Katuska regarding data he collected
from the Town's ground water monitoring wells.
Greg suggested that the Commission take a tour of the wetlands, Zone 2, and surface water bodies in Town.
Stephan Glicken stated that he would arrange a meeting with Eric Hooper and request a map of the Town's ground water monitoring wells.

7:20 p.m. Approve past Meeting Minutes:

Peg called for a motion to approve the October 3rd Meeting Minutes amended to read as follows:
(At the top of page 2) Cliff presented a "table" to the Commission that illustrates fluctuating water levels in the Town monitoring wells from April 2001 to August 2002.
Kathy moved. Stephan seconded. Voted. Unanimous.

7:25 p.m. Adjournment:

Aside from Peg, the Commission members relocated to the Sharon Community Center to attend Eric Hooper's Water Management Hearing scheduled for 7:30 p.m.   
Peg called for a motion for the meeting to adjourn at the end of the hearing at the Community Center.
Peter moved. Stephan seconded. Voted. Unanimous.